Rally June 5th at the DEC Region 8 headquarters in Avon. The DEC failed the Finger Lakes when it declined to intervene in the repowering of the Greenidge fossil fuel plant, they failed us when they reissued the old coal-fired power plant permits – that pre-date the Clean Water Act – to a new facility, they failed us by not doing an Environmental Impact Statement, and they MUST NOT FAIL US AGAIN. Greenidge’s Title V Air Permit is up for renewal, and this is the DEC’s next chance to intervene. If they fail us again, Greenidge will be emitting over a million tons of CO2 equivalents into our atmosphere every day. This is not just a Seneca Lake issue, but Greenidge is the test case. A similar facility has cropped up near Buffalo, and there are 30 NY power plants that could be targeted for this energy intensive industry. At a time when NY must decommission fossil fuel plants in an effort to fight climate change, repurposing them to mine cryptocurrency is the wrong business model. We need to hold DEC’s feet to the fire and demand that they deny that permit renewal. We are excited to announce that we will have national and international media coverage of this event. We need YOU there. Here is the facebook link to the event: https://fb.me/e/ACFmZ8eu We are offering transportation via bus from Watkins Glen with several pickup stops along the west side of Seneca Lake en route to Avon, NY. If you are interested in this opportunity, please RSVP ASAP so that we can get a sense of numbers and reserve the bus (buses)? Please: masks are required while on the bus! Yvonne Taylor Co-Founder and Vice President, Gas Free Seneca Seneca Lake Guardian, A Waterkeeper Affiliate with Committee to Preserve the Finger Lakes |